Saturday 30 April 2016

Final Product

Final Product

After speaking as a group and with our teacher, we made some final adjustments to make sure that our opening sequence was aligned with the task set us.

The edits that we made:
  • Fade from black with a higher contrast so the grey was not too dark
  • Fade from black in scene 1 transitioning into 2
  • Larger title screens
  • Tightened edits
  • Extra shot of an actor's face

This is our final product in full.

Thursday 28 April 2016

Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what have you learnt in the progression from it to the final product?

From my preliminary task, I feel that I have improved on planning and setting up a variety of different camera shots; before the preliminary task, I would usually plan the shots and angles at the set, but I have now learned to better prepare for shots and the general aspect of the production beforehand. I also believe that I have now started using much more original and experimental shots that make my media products stand out from my past work that usually had very bland and unoriginal camera angles.
Another very important point that I learnt during my preliminary task is that I needed to leave a buffer of about 5 seconds to make the editing process easier; before the preliminary task, we would start talking/moving immediately after the person on the camera called action, this made it very awkward and difficult to edit the videos afterwards. These buffers allow for the film to run a lot smoother which is shown by the way that all the shots blend very well together as if there are no stops between them (except for when transitions like the cross fade are used as they are meant to show the passing of time).
Another improvement that I have made is the framing of my camera shots. Before the preliminary task, a lot of the shots would have important body parts of the actors cut out of the frame, or even important props cut out; Since then, I believe that I am now able to properly frame my shots which links to my previous point as I have planned them properly. In the preliminary task, there was nothing that was cut out of frame unnecessarily (except for the shot in the alleyway where one of the actors was out of frame on purpose as he was supposed to be hidden).
In conclusion, I believe that I have made a vast improvement in all aspects, bot off and on camera. Beforehand, my tasks were very poorly planned and poorly shot, whereas now I am using diverse shots and angles that give my work an original feel. The editing is also a lot better in the opening sequence compared to previous works which makes it clear that my editing has vastly.

Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

Question 2

How does your media product represent different social groups?